Carpet Sanitization Services

Wall to wall carpeting or floor carpets are hosts to dust mites and other bacteria due to constant usage.
Kids love spending time on these surfaces and they practically roll on the floor breathing in all these bacterias. Research by Philip Tierno, Jr., Ph.D., New York University Langone Medical Center microbiologist, immunologist and author of The Secret Life of Germs, shows that your carpet is a lot dirtier than you think. In fact, it probably has about 200,000 bacteria per square inch. That’s about 4,000 times more dreadful than your toilet, in case you were keeping track.
You deserve a healthy home! With Germ Busters Carpet Sanitization service the ideal healthy home can be assured. We sanitize your carpets and upholstery ensuring a disease-free home and working environment. We also ensure that the amount of dust, virus, bacteria, and allergens are reduced to the bare minimum. Germ Busters also professionally sanitize and deodorize the carpet to eliminate harmful microorganisms. Request our household carpet sanitizing service today and get the best of professional services from us. Our sanitization process is exceptional and they are second to none. Making effective use of our sanitizing solution is one of the best choices for your commercial and residential carpet sanitizing as it meets the requirements of all kinds of customers, residents and employees. This is specially intended for doctors’ offices, offices used to welcome customers, motels, hotels, industrial building offices, hostels, and restaurants.
Our carpet sanitizing service is carried out without the use of harsh soaps or chemicals. We treat your carpets with steam. The carpets dry within a period of 10 minutes after the sanitizing process. We ensure that the sanitizing process removes allergens, dry soils, dust mites and toxins. We equip ourselves with excellent sophisticated machinery during our services. As soon as the soil, thick dust particles on the carpet are loosened; specific equipment is employed to sanitize the carpet threads thoroughly.
Our 3 Step Process DRY EXTRACTION
Our industrial powered vacuum ensures that all the dust mites and germs are not just sucked into the machine but it also has filtering capability of ensuring that the germs as small as 0.2 μm (micron) is filtered. Most machines do not have this HEPA filteration. All theallergens get caught up in our machine. You get to see the quantum of dust that gets extracted.

(Industrial Vacuum Based)Even small doses of UV-C seem to have a fairly significant effect on house dust mite reproduction. We have found that as little as two second of UV-C results in the death of the house dust mites eggs. UV-C has the potential to break the life cycle of the house dust mite. Tests reveals a greater than 99.99% reduction in dust mites after one second of exposure.

(UV MACHINE)Steam is the colourless, odourless gaseous state of water and hence it is not visible to the naked human eye. What you are actually looking at here is vapour, ie the steam which is very close to its phase change. This process just ensures that the corners and the surfaces are de-odorised. It just freshens up the upholstery. It takes absolutely no time to dry.